Bad News Bears

In Theatres
UMD Movies (PSP)
Everything Else

"A Great Summer Movie But Really, Nothing More"

This Movie was very fun to watch , Because I had not seen the original movie and did not know how the ending was gonna be (even though im sure they changed it quite a bit). I thought that Billy Bob Was the perfect choice for this part simply for the fact that he doesnt look or act like the kind of person that you'd want to be coaching your son/daughter in a little league baseball team.
Morris Buttermaker (Billy Bob Thornton) is an ex-major league-er that now works as an rodent exterminator, before getting asked to coach a little league team for some extra cash. He Sees in the team (the Bears) which are consisting of unwilling, disabled, and just messed up kids that drive him nuts at first. However when Bullock (Greg Kinnear) the coach of another team (the Yankees) rubs the bears loss in their face. Angerd by this Buttermaker then begains to teach the children the basics followed by many differnt scams of the sport to take them from the bottom to the start of the championship. Its A fun Summer movie and it has it's Funny parts, But to the people that have seen the original its a dissapointment as a remake. Since I have never seen the oringinal movie and since it made me laugh (many times) Im goning to give this movie a 7/10.

This Movie Has Been Reviewed By: Derek Spiller




Nametag Productions ©2005